Only school can approve absences for students of compulsory age and not parents. Parents are expected to inform school of the reason for a student’s absence, on the first day when possible, either by telephone, by message through the bus escort, by written message or personal contact. If your child has transport please also inform them.
If the student is ill, please notify the school of the nature of the illness and where possible when the student is expected to return. Medical appointments should be notified in advance where possible.
If the student is absent without explanation the school attendance team will make contact with the parent or carer on the same day. Non-attendance is a safeguarding issue. If we fail to make contact, the absence will be followed up by a senior member of staff who may need to involve other agencies.
Leave of absence in term time
We ask parents and carers to think very carefully about taking their children out of school during term-time unless there are very exceptional circumstances. It is important that you are aware that parents do not have a right to take children out of school in term-time. If there are exceptional circumstances then you need to complete a leave of absence request form, which can be obtained from the school office. You may then be asked to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership or Attendance Team to discuss your request. Please make sure the leave is agreed before making any arrangements.
Parents need to be aware that if they take their child out of school without agreement
from the Headteacher:
- They can receive a Penalty Notice of £50 rising to £100.
- They can receive a court summons, which can lead to a criminal record and a fine.
- Their child may be at risk of losing their school place.
The school authorises absences resulting from participation in religious observance by the religious body to which the parent belongs. Students are encouraged to share their experiences as appropriate. The school operates an Attendance Monitoring Book that outlines all communication made regarding student absence.