Autumn Term
Within the autumn term parents and carers will be invited into school to discuss their child’s EHC plan and progress they are making towards achieving their objectives.
Learning objectives, Key Skills and IEP’s will be reviewed for the forthcoming year together with the senior leader and main teacher. At the end of term, targets and evaluations for the core subjects will be completed ready to be sent home early in the spring term. Where appropriate work that shows pupil achievement against their targets will also accompany the report.
Spring Term
An afternoon and early evening event is held for parents and carers to come and discuss student’s progress in all subjects with subject teachers.
Opportunities are available to look at work done over the year, and to celebrate the progress.
Evaluations of students’ work in core subjects will be completed at the end of the term to be sent home early in the summer term. Where appropriate work that shows pupil achievement against their targets will also accompany the
Summer Term
At the end of each summer term a completed target booklet and photographic evidence showing your child’s progress and achievements will be sent home with an accompanying comment from the class tutor in the form of an annual report.