Transport to School
The transport department organises daily transport to and from school. They also offer a travel training programme to enable our more able students to develop skills of independent travel so they can learn to travel to and from school on public transport. Some pupils living near school are brought and collected by family members. Buses and taxis have a driver and escort thus providing a valuable link between home and school. For pupils and students travelling independently our Early Birds club opens at 8.30am daily. Arrangements for attendance are made on an individual basis. Please enquire at school.
It is the parents' responsibility to deliver the student to the vehicle either at a pick up point or from home. The escort must not leave the vehicle at any time. Similarly, at the end of the day, parents need to collect their child from the bus. They are given a maximum waiting time and are obliged to move off after this time to the next pick up. Drivers and escorts do their best to keep to the schedule, but are occasionally delayed by traffic conditions, breakdowns or weather. All families should have the mobile phone number of the escort.
If you wish your son or daughter to be dropped off at a different address after school, please arrange this with transport and let the school office know. (Transport telephone number 0161 219 6424).
Some students walk to school or take public transport independently. They should arrive at the student entrance by 9.00 am. Arrival and departure from the school site is part of our safeguarding procedure and senior members of staff are on duty each morning and afternoon to ensure safety at all times as attendance registers are completed.